See Google scholar in detailed.
Satoshi Kume, Issues for Practical Use of Root Nodule Bacteria in Japan. Proceedings of the Seventh National and First International Scientific Convention, Palawan, Philippines, 2007.
Satoshi Kume, et al: Systematic interaction analysis of human lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase with small lipophilic ligands, Biochemical Journal 446(2):279-289, 2012.
Satoshi Kume, et al: Fine-tuned broad binding capability of human lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase for various small lipophilic ligands. FEBS Letters. 588, 962–969, 2014.
Satoshi Kume, et al: Potential biomarkers of fatigue identified by plasma metabolome analysis in rats, PloS One 10(3):e0120106, 2015.
Satoshi Kume, et al: Development of an Ontology for an Integrated Image Analysis Platform to enable Global Sharing of Microscopy Imaging Data. Proceedings of the 15th International Semantic Web Conference, P23, 2016.
Satoshi Kume, et al: Music Improves Subjective Feelings Leading to Cardiac Autonomic Nervous Modulation: A Pilot Study, Frontiers in Neuroscience. 11:108, 2017.
Yoshiaki Teraoka✝, Satoshi Kume✝, et al: Comprehensive Evaluation of the Binding of Lipocalin-Type Prostaglandin D Synthase to Poorly Water-Soluble Drugs, Molecular Pharmaceutics, 14 (10): 3558–3567, 2017. (✝: equal contribution)
Satoshi Kume✝✝, et al: Development of Semantic Web-Based Imaging Database for Biological Morphome. In: Wang Z., Turhan AY., Wang K., Zhang X. (eds) Semantic Technology. JIST 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10675. Springer, Cham, 2017. (✝✝: corresponding author)
Norio Kobayashi, Satoshi Kume, et al: RIKEN MetaDatabase: A Database Platform as a Microcosm of Linked Open Data Cloud for Life Sciences, The International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, 14(1) 140-164, 2018.
Yurie Hara, Satoshi Kume, et al: Changes in TCA cycle and TCA cycle-related metabolites in plasma upon citric acid administration in rats, Heliyon 7 (12), E08501, 2021.
Satoshi Kume✝✝, Kouji Kozaki✝✝: Extracting Domain-specific Concepts from Large-scale Linked Open Data, IJCKG’21: The 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge GraphsDecember 2021 Pages 28–37, doi: (✝✝: corresponding author)
Satoshi Kume✝✝: Short Review: Pathology of the image big data era using electron microscopy ,, 2021 (✝✝: corresponding author)
Raku Son, Kenji Yamazawa, Akiko Oguchi, Mitsuo Suga, Masaru Tamura, Yasuhiro Murakawa, Satoshi Kume✝✝: Morphomics via Next-generation Electron Microscopy, Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, mjad081, Published: 26 December 2023 (✝✝: corresponding author)
Akihiro Harada et al.: Dynamic movement of the Golgi unit and its glycosylation enzyme zones, Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 4514 (2024)
久米慧嗣, 田村勝, 小林紀郎, 村川泰裕: 電子線・X線イメージング技術が織りなす画像ビッグデータ時代の病理学, 病理と臨床「特集 病理形態学の新技術」37 (7), 617-623.
久米 慧嗣, 村川 泰裕: SEMによる切片の広域撮像技術と生体組織の網羅的形態解析への展望 / Large-Area Imaging Technology of Tissue Sections Using SEM and Prospects for Comprehensive Morphological Analysis of Biological Tissues, 顕微鏡/55 巻 (2020) 1 号/書誌 特集:「切片SEM 法」の基礎と生物学・医学生物学研究への応用.
小口 綾貴子, 村川 泰裕, 柳田 素子, 久米 慧嗣: 広域電子顕微鏡解析からみる腎病理の未来図 / Large-scale electron microscopy-driven next-generation renal pathology (Japanese), 腎臓内科 = Nephrology 13(4), 502-509, 2021-04, 科学評論社.
久米慧嗣, 古崎晃司: 材料知識探索のためのオントロジー(第3章 材料設計の知識探索 第6節), データ駆動型材料開発 ~オントロジーとマイニング、計測と実験装置の自動制御~, Nov 2021
See past presentations in detailed.
Satoshi Kume: Introduction to Bioimaging Analysis in R, Bioc Asia 2021 workshop, 4th Nov 2021.
久米 慧嗣: ソフトウェア開発 × LLM (Software development x LLM), IIBMP2023 (生命科学におけるLLM応用事例の探求), Sep 2023.
久米 慧嗣: AI/LLMでパッケージを開発する (パッケージング技術の基礎2), Bio”Pack”athon 2024 #9 Osaka Workshop, Sep 2024.
Teaching lecturer, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka, Japan. (Jan 2019)
Part-time lecturer for science foundation of life, a class of first-degree, Kobe Shoin Women’s University. (Apr 2013 - Jul 2013)
Teaching assistant, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka, Japan. (Jul 2011 - Mar 2013)
Prof. Osafune memorial scholarship by the Japanese Society of Microscopy (Principal investigator): Comprehensive Morphological Analysis of Three-Dimensional Cell Images Using Sequential Semantic Segmentation Method of Deep Learning, 2020.
JSPS KAKENHI Challenging Research (Exploratory) (Principal investigator): Construction of next-generation health diagnosis by the health informatics of bioimage information, 2018–2021.
JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) (Principal investigator): The Clarification of Molecular Mechanisms of Fatigue Underlying Fatigue Regulation Factors Using Adeno-associated Virus, 2015–2017.
JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up (Principal investigator): Metabolic alterations of urea cycle and anti-fatigue effect of ornithine administration in fatigued animals, 2013–2015.