Satoshi Kume: The 12th JSFS Annual Meeting, Japanese Society of Fatigue Science (Yokohama, May 2016)
Satoshi Kume: The 108th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pathology (Tokyo, May 2019)
Satoshi Kume: The 75th Microscopy Annual Meeting, the Japanese Society of Microscopy (Nagoya, June 2019)
Satoshi Kume: The 51st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Clinical Molecular Morphology (Kurume, Sep 2019)
Satoshi Kume: RIKEN-CAS Young Researcher Exchange Meeting (Chinese Academy of Science, Shenzhen, China), Nov 2019.
Satoshi Kume: A3 Foresight Program Meeting 2019 (Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea), Oct 2019.
Satoshi Kume: Introduction to Bioimaging Analysis in R, Bioc Asia 2021 workshop, Online Nov 2021.
Satoshi Kume: ソフトウェア開発 × LLM, Informatics in Biology, Medicine and Pharmacology 2023 (Kashiwa, chiba), Sep 2023.